Monthly Archives: December 2006

This Is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn by Aidan Chambers

This Is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn by Aidan Chambers

Chambers, Aidan. This Is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn. Amulet, 2008. ISBN 978-0810995505 832 pp. $10.99


The pillow book is actually more than one volume: journals of most intimate musings, modeled after a Japanese pillow book that Cordelia’s friend Izumi gives her. The premise is that motherless Cordy, nineteen and pregnant, is recording the trials and tribulations of her young adulthood, mostly concerning her first lover, Will, and plans to give the book to her daughter when she turns sixteen, so they can share them. The books are incredibly thoughtful; a poet wannabe, Cordy’s voice is that of a gifted writer and even her prose (or, Chambers’ prose) has rhythm and symbolism and entendres and cadence. The British setting doesn’t limit the audience; no glossary is needed. I never had any doubt of the character’s authenticity, and Chambers deserves a medal for poking around the territory of female puberty so believably and frankly as a male author.

Book one is mostly concerned with the chase after the boy, much of the rest of the book is how to keep him, and how to cope when he’s gone, but Cordelia addresses issues of family, other relationships, loss, and more. A dense 800 pages, there are only two troublesome spots: in one book, the story splits into two, and you have to read all of the odd pages, then all of the even pages in the section for the story to make sense, and in a later book, a kidnapping is a slightly outlandish plot device to bring the estranged star-crossed lovers back together. Still, the voice rings true, and the supporting characters are interesting and lushly drawn. It’s not for all readers, but I can think of many girls who will delight in the opportunity to wallow for a while in the depths of this tome.

Chambers has said he believes life imitates art–that young readers look to their literature to discover how to BE–and Cordy is a model for supportive adult role models and mentors, planning and decision making, even reading for pleasure (she loves Shakespeare, whom she affectionately calls Shakes). A very strong character driven novel, this is the best book I’ve read this year, and a fine contribution to the canon of YA literature for it’s style, content, and character study.

Review by Beth Gallaway

Bats at the Beach by Brian Lies

Bats at the Beach by Brian Lies

Lies, Brian. Bats At the Beach. HMH Books, 2016 (reprint). ISBN 978-0544668409 32 pp. $7.99

The family beach excursion is a universal experience for coastal New Englanders – kids packed in the car; the food, fun, surf and sun to excess followed by a sleepy trip home. Bats at the Beach is an imaginative take on the trip; how do nocturnal creatures enjoy the beach? By moonbathing under the full moon, of course!

The unique character choice allows Lies to play with perspective–angles from the air, and one upside down at the snack bar picture with phenomenal reproduction of a bare lightbulb. A palette of midnight blues and indigo are a perfect backdrop to silvery moonshine and golden firelight. The emotion detailed on the faces of these mammals is breathtaking: the glee of flying, clenched-teeth displeasure at icy water, and distress over a bug-mallow on fire are recognizable emotions of the toddler set.

Although the meter is inconsistent, the AABB rhyme pattern lends the text a cadence that fits the playful nature of the story. The words captivate, and the illustrations are perfectly paired to extend the poetic text. “Launching out into the breeze,/we sail above the darkened trees,/flying fast, to wet our feet/where land and foamy ocean met” shows bats on the wing, moonlight glittering off soft fur and edges of wings. Sure to delight, this book will work in storytime or one-one on, on and off the beach.